HM Spoiler Report

Some lucky guests were able to ride the Haunted Mansion last night, here are the now confirmed changes:

-The stretching room has recieved some big upgrades. The Gargoyles in the room now turn their heads, and when the lights go out, it appears that bats are flying around the room. Bursts of air are now blown at guests to really make you feel like bats are flying past your head.

-The portrait hall has indeed recieved the window with the wind, thunder, and lightning effects.

-The new floating crystal ball with Madame Leota has been implemented.

-The attic scene is now identical to the Disneyland version, featuring the murderous ghost bride with a bunch of flowers that turn into an axe as your doombuggy passes by.

– All of the other effects in the Mansion have been restored to their original glory, and the audio has been completely repaired

We will have more on the Haunted Mansion as we come closer to September 13th.

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