Disney Updates Star Tours Webpage with New Images and Story Hints

Tom Corless

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Disney Updates Star Tours Webpage with New Images and Story Hints

The Star Tours page on the official Walt Disney World website was updated recently with a new flash-based preview (Sorry iPhone) of the destinations we’ll be traveling to when Star Tours: The Adventures Continue opens on May 20th at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. For those of you without a flash-capable device, here’s a look at the scenarios (and C-3P0’s response to them) you can scroll through on the page:

Picture 1

We’re podracing on Tatooine

Picture 2

Underwater on Naboo

Picture 3

The icy tundra of Hoth

Picture 4

Chased by the Empire near an under-construction Death Star

Picture 5

Just moments before arriving at this picture, some speeder bikes with scout troopers rush by, implying we will be chased by them on Kashyyyk

Screen shot 2011 05 01 at 9.50.39 PM

We tried to grab a snapshot of the scout troopers, but they move pretty quickly

Picture 6

Finally, Coruscant

star tours background image

For those without flash capabilities, here is what you’ll see

While not newsworthy, the background of the page has two pretty cool images as well:

st top

st bottom

So, nothing earth shattering to report, but anticipation is certainly building for Star Tours: The Adventures Continue! Stay tuned as more information becomes available…

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