It is now confirmed that Fantasmic! at Disney’s Hollywood Studios will not run from January 5th to February 12th, 2012. We have been getting a lot of questions about this closure and if it means the show will be changing. While everything is purely speculation at this time, let’s look at the facts. The show will only be closed for a little over 5 weeks. This is not enough time for any serious overhaul such as a new high-tech dragon, but is at least enough time for some technical upgrades. It is more than possible that new lighting, projectors, and props could be introduced to the show as installation time on items like this is not very lengthy. At this point, we should probably just be happy that the show is getting some TLC at all and will probably look a lot better following the brief closure.
If anything on this story should change, WDW News Today will keep you posted. For now, any major changes are simply “in your imagination”.
…kingdom keepers..