Florida Mall Disney Store Reopens 8/24/11

Nick LoCicero

Florida Mall Disney Store Reopens 8/24/11

Disney Store on 8/17/11. Pic by Chris! Thanks Chris.

At 10 AM, on August 24th, the doors will reopen on the newly renovated Disney Store in the Florida Mall in Orlando. The store has been closed for several months to refurbish the store and make it more “magical” (much like several of the new stores across the county.

Doors open at 10 and the first 250 people will receive a special gift.

Then on Saturday the 27th, there will be an opening ceremony at 10 AM. There will also be several Toy Story characters at the store from 12-4 PM to take pictures with.

This is exciting for us because it now means that we don’t have to drove to another twin just to pick up those upcoming Disney Stores exclusives (Lion King, Alice)!

Now, does this mean Orlando might get an exclusive location vinylmation like San Fran and NYC????? Pondering….

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