Update: 8/14/11 If you listened to our most recent podcast you’ll know that Sarah won the contest. Congrats Sarah and your robot is on it’s way! Thank you to everyone who entered, and also thanks to the Disney Store for providing the prize. Look for more contests soon!
The Disney Store exclusive Robots series has been out or a while now and we wanted to know which one was your favorite.
Just post a comment with which robot you like the most from the series. We’ll randomly pick a comment as a winner and that winner will receive a unopened blind box from the robot set cutesy of Destination Vinylmation and the Disney Store. The contest starts now and ends at noon on Saturday August 13th EST.
Only one entry per person! Good luck!
I don’t just like, I LOVE BOT.
My favorite name for one of the Robots in the Robot series is Ignition-Bot. I think the name fits the robot really well.
My favorite is “El Elektro” – Enrique Pita did a great job on the little guy.
My favorite has to be Radio-Bot. How could you not like him with the cute little antenna on the top of his head!
I like radio-bot… His expression is priceless!
I love them all….but my fave is Radio-bot. My kids have one signed by the artist Enrique Pita.
Radiobot Rocks!
My favorite is Cranky Bot.
I like Tesla-bot (AKA Voltinator-bot)!
My favorite is for sure is Radio-Bot both for his awesome look and I love the radio! Haha!
Radxiobot is by far my favorite. The design really brings emotion to the robot.
Radio Bot by far!
My favorite robot is the red and black one with the Mickey eyes because it looks like a robot version of Mickey…….I just love it!
Not sure what the name is, but the one with the clear head is my fav :)
Security Bot is my favorite, love the design on the clear head!
My favorite is Radio Bot!!
Communication bot is my favorite!
Id love a Atomic Bot
Fav is between radiobot and steampunk bot..hmmmmm….. I’m going with radio bot!! I’m bummed cuz I keep calling the disney store by me tuesday and friday when they get shipments in and they keep saying nothing is coming in and that they keeo getting in u5…. Did the retire the set cuz the lion king set is coming out now? Really bummed out if they are retired already! :(
Radio bot! I arrived in disneyworld on august 7th, never hearing about vinylmations. Now after 4 days, I have 16! I looked up the robots and radio bot is my favorite!!!
I think Radio-Bot is awesome-sauce.
El Elektro for sure!
UltraSonic Bot !!!
Cranky bot love the way he is broken on one side. Also because he is the only one my daughter REALLY wants and he seems to be one of the only ones we can’t get!
I love the radio bot, sooo cute love the antenna
Cranky Bot!
My favorite is definitely the El Elektro bot.
Radio bot!
def will have to go with the love robot. the pac man eyes are great.
I like the radio bot best!
My favorite is Cranky-bot.
I really like Ignition bot; the name truly fits this vinyl.
Atomic Bot is the BOMB!!!
I am putting in a vote for my wife. . .
She loves LOVE-BOT!!
RadioBot. He’s the one who represents the robots!
Radiobot is my fave
Radio Bot
Radio bot rules!!!
Just have to say that the Robots series is one of my favorite series so far. Love them all. If I had to choose, I prefer Security Bot in the 3″ and Salvage Bot in the 9″.
I love radio-bot
Ultrasonic bot or Communication bot… those are my faves!!
I love the Robots Collection! I also love Destination Vinylmation so much! I check it everyday for exciting news!
My favorite is radio bot. Good choice on making him the cover on the box.
Steampunk bot!!! or radio bot!!! or El-Electro bot!!! or all of them?
El-Electro Bot for me.
Steampunk-bot is awesome! :)
Circuit Bot
It’s Radio-bot for me!
El electro or angry Bot. Just like the design.
My favorite is AUDIOSONIC Bot!
Why??? Because he looks a bit like me….excellent detail…and nice use of colors (steal blue n orange).
The release hype for this series is what made me want one. They’re completely generic figures, but Disney managed to get me to want a few with the promotional material. I think steampunk-bot is my favorite. Thanks for doing something fun for your followers!!
My fav is Love Bot! I also quite like the 9″ Salvage Bot, so cute.
Love bot! <3
My favorite is radio bot! So cute!
My favorite Robot is EL Elektro! Great artwork!
I totally dig the radio-bot. It reminds me of FUNZO from the Simpsons cartoons. How can you not like a killer toy that looked cute and scary at the same time?
My favorite is definitely Salvage Bot
Cranky bot…for Sure!
have to say Voltinator-bot!
my favorite is really the tesla bot :D it really is a fantastic figure :D
Radio Bot is the best! Just love the color and look.
Radio-Bot is the best!
Hands down its gotta be Radio-bot!!
My favorite is Radio-bot — love the colors, the antenna accessory and the overall look and feel. Very cool.
El Elektro is my favorite it reminds me of a robot wrester lol
Voltinator bot! that is hands down the BEST name out of the bots in this set, although I love all the designs!
I like them all, but got to pick radio-bot and tesla/voltinator as my favorites
Radio bot, most definitely!
I LOVE Radiobot!!!! Gotta love the tweeked-out eyes ^_^
El Elektro-bot is my favorite
Security Bot FTW!
Radio Bot! :D
Tesla-bot is my favorite!
It’s hard to pick just one but El Elektro wins. I didn’t think I’d like this series so much.
I <3 radio bot!!
Salvage bot is the best. A bot inside a bot!
I love Circuit-Bot he is so cool! I like his detail.
I love cranky bot cause it reminds me… of me! :)
I think my favorite would be cranky-bot. Because we all have some days where we feel a little like cranky-bot!
Radiobot is my favorite!
Radio bot is my favorite. The color scheme on him is done really well and I love his eyes and cute little antenna!!
I really like ignition bot
My favorite is all of them but radio bot is the cutest
Ultrasonic bot!!!
Atomicbot just looks evil and awesome.
Radio bot is my favorite!
My fav is radio bot!
Tesla Bot because Tesla is awesome.
Radio Bot!
This is straight out of the mouth of my four year old. Radio Bot is my favorite because he can shoot lightning out of his eyes.
Nice way to drum up comments guys.
I’m a Security-Bot fan, I love the way the Artists use the clears to bring out the expression.
My favorite robot is the salvage bot. He’s a salvage beast with his sharp teeth, shining bright body and his master behind the wheel.
I ♥LOVE♥ Radio-Bot ♪ with his little antenna! [=
-Peace, Love, & Vinylmations!
Salvage Bot is the best hands down!!! How the robot is operating the Bot is hella cool how they painted him!!!
I love security bot that one is my favorite!
My favorite besides the 9″ Salvage bot is the Cranky bot. So much detail and excellent color choices
I love Voltinator-bot
I really love the “Cranky-Bot” Vinyl. SO cute!
Love the ♥ Love-Bot ♥
Radio Bot for sure!
I’d say Salvage Bot. But from 3″… Cranky Bot
My favorite is the chaser. Circuit bot
Of course all of them are awesome. However Radio Bot just makes me smile :o)
I love Radio Bot, myself. All the detail and that little antenna sticking up from his head are great!
Atomic bot is my favorite!
I like radio bot!
Radio bot… no question… and if we are showing any love to the 9″ robots, then salvage bot takes the cake… or is at least responsible for its disposal.
I love ALL the artwork designs. Radio Bot is my favorite artwork design! I love NONE of the actual vinylmations because they are so UGLY on the NEW mold.
Radiobot definatley!
Ignition bot!!!!!
I love radio bot!
El Electro!
I really love the vintage feel of the entire set but if I had to pick just one it would have to be Radio Bot! I love the color scheme
Security Bot is my favorite.
would you be willing to trade for mine?
I like “Cranky Bot” the best because of the great paint detail and the use of the clear ears. Thanks DV for the opp. to win a Robot!
I would love “RADIO BOT”. My wife got me a limited edition card that had him on it when the series came out at The Disney Store but I wasn’t able to get him due to a rush of people buying the series in cases and who has that kind of money. Would love to win so I can get him.
My favorite for sure is the Love Bot!
Communications Bot, for sure!
We love cranky bot. When someones having a bad day that’s the nickname we give them which makes them smile and turn into live bot
Atomic-bot because it looks like one of Dr. Wily’s evil creations from the Mega Man games!
Radio Bot, definitely. Luckily the first blind box I purchased was Radio Bot & I was able to get him signed by Enrique Pita on release day!
My favorite is the 9 inch salvage bot simply because it was executed so well. You really believe the head is hollow and another robot is driving the big robot. Well done.
My favorite is Cranky Bot. So much character in that little guy.
My favourite is the electric one as it reminds me of the musical starlight express
Ignition bot!
I really want that steampunk one or the chaser bc i already have radio bot
I love all of them, but I suppose I would pick Tesla Bot as my favorite. I think I like the boxes as much as the goodies inside :)
My fav is the security bot.
I love Radio Bot!
I like steampunk bot because it reminds me of C3PO!
Cranky-bot is my fav. He is a very detailed and awesome vinyl!
Steampunk Bot!!!
I love all the robots!
Salvage bot!!
I REALLY want circuit bot!!!
I like the robot featured on the destination vinylmation page, the steam park robot! He’s so cool looking!
The whole set is cool. I’d have to go with the chaser.
Ohhh I would really love the Love Bot Its so cute and I think one of the best one yet :D
radio & cranky bot!
still on the fence about these guys… looking to hopefully swing to “like” lol
Cranky bot.. yeah
My favorite is Steampunk Bot!
Radio Bot is my favorite!
I love radio bot
I would love the chaser cuz i never get them, have to trade them…
I really like the radio bot.. :)
Radio Bot is my favorite!
Those eyes and the mouth are awesome. He is definitely the star of the 3″ robots.
Now that the contest is over (because the husband and I got a tray of them when they released), I LOOOVE Crankybot and Securitybot. Securitybot makes me feel all full of BioShock goodness.
My favorite it definitely the Radio-Bot. He makes me smile!
Steampunk-bot. He reminds me of C-3P0 AND he’s steampunk-inspired. A double-dose of AWESOME!