Z to be revealed soon

Nick LoCicero

Z to be revealed soon

Disney announced that Project Z will be revealed at the Florida Project in two weeks. Stay tuned for more info, live blogging from the show, and a podcast recorded after the show.

Also worth noting, the Vinylmation talk that was originally scheduled from 11:30-noon on 9/11/11 is now extended to 11-noon. Interesting…

Also, we’re working on the details, but we’re going to have a meet up after the event on Sunday. Look for more information soon!

5 thoughts on “Z to be revealed soon”

  1. oh!! Oh!!! OH!!!!! pick me and elisabeth. it’d be super fun to hang out when we’re not having to deal with all the trading like last time!

  2. Finally week now what the Zs are HAZA.

    Please post information about the meet up soon. I would love to be apart of it .

  3. I am pretty sure I figured out the Z project. I think disney is going to release a whole new set of vinylmations that don’t look like the mickey mold but they look like the characters themselves. So for Expedition Everest there will be a Yeti vinyl that looks just like the Yeti.

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