A Look at Park 8

Nick LoCicero

A Look at Park 8

We got our first real look at Urban 8 at The Florida Project. They showed off a couple 9″ as well as several 3″. We also found the Urban 8 pins that gave up 3 more designs.

Urban 8 3″
Price: $9.95
Release: November 2011

We found these figures at the Florida Project, and then found some pins to fill out more of the set. So far, only 8 of the 12. 3″


Artist: Casey Jones

This little fellow looks happy. Maybe he saw the hotdog.


Artist: Thomas Scott

Directing traffic everywhere.

Hot Dog

Artist: Dan Howard

Looks yummy. Though I prefer just ketchup and relish.

Zombie Break Dancer

Artist: Monty Maldovan

We aren’t sure why the skin is blue, but this guy looks radical.


Artist: Thomas Scott

Cool cool cat.

Tree Frog

Artist: Robert Vann

Watch out, they are poisonous.

Beaded Necklace

Looks like this guy went to Mardi Gras, but this isn’t the Holiday series.

Aztech Warrior

This guy looks serious.
Urban Robot

This one is weird, sense there is a Robot series. Not only that, but the second Robot series is coming soon.

Also with this series are some LE. These look amazing!!

9″ Sock Monkey

December 2011
LE 800

This one is adorable. Buy several, each for each woman in your life.

9″ Boxer

Artist: Casey Jones
January 2012
LE 1000

This is a great looking piece. If any of the bandaids were mixed media, I’d almost think this was a one-of-a-kind.

Oh, and the boxing gloves, besides being awesome, are removable. When you can, check out his hands underneath.

9″ Saber Tooth Tiger

January 2012

This figure was named on a placard at The Florida Project, but it was not displayed. It’s sounds pretty cool though. I hope the teeth are 3D.

6 thoughts on “A Look at Park 8”

  1. I love 25th. I will want multiple of these. When I worked at WDW I started 3 weeks before the “25th” in 1996. That was one of the best times in WDW history as far as quality and entertainment and expansion at the resort. I have several pieces of nostalgia from that time with the 25th Logo and am excited for something “New”

  2. Both a epic wins! I remember MM! (and, honestly, those against the 25th figure.. Take into consideration that they could have made that blasted horrid pepto bismol cake into a figure…)

    • I would have actually preferred a castle cake design to this one. The pink castle cake was a disaster, but a memorable one. More memorable than the 25th logo.

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