What’s in Orlando’s Disney Store?

Nick LoCicero

What’s in Orlando’s Disney Store?

Our good friend Chris tweeted up this picture and also let us know how the Vinylmation was in Orlando's Disney Store.

First up, Pop Vinyl 2 is available there. Lots of new figures. But this begs the question, "How long is their contract, and will they stop now that Park Starz is coming?"

Chris also reports that vinyl trading now at the store! They also have plenty of Vinylmation series to buy, Animation, Muppets, Urban 7, Cutesters Like You, Cutesters 2, Cars 2, and Spooky 1.

Thanks or the update Chris!

2 thoughts on “What’s in Orlando’s Disney Store?”

  1. I found out after I sent the report that there is a series 3 coming, so I’d assume it’s not going to be affected by Park Starz

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