Popcorn Vinylmation? What does this mean?

Nick LoCicero

Popcorn Vinylmation? What does this mean?

Today the Disney parks blog teased a new Vinylmation series. Popcorn Vinylmation will be a series of figures reimaged with a new look.

Will this be similar to Park Starz, where everybody gets their own design?

Does this get too far away from the Mickey mold to be considered Vinylmation?

(picture from Disney)

6 thoughts on “Popcorn Vinylmation? What does this mean?”

  1. this looks more like a mickey mold…but not vinylmation…they can put the name in it, but that doesnt make it so. i might however be more inclined to purchase these than the park starz (which i pretty much loathe), but this depends on the price point :D


  2. I think if its not the vinylmation mold, then its not a vinylmation, its a vinyl figure… I think they need to separate them. Thats def not a VM mold so it shouldn’t use that name.

  3. People are going to whine and moan because, “it’s not vinylmation”, but I love that Vinylmation as a brand is branching off to stuff other than the Mickey figure. Park Starz are my favorite Vinylmation things released so far and I’d love more series with interesting designs.

    Saying the Mickey mold is the only true Vinylmation is like saying Dunnies are the only true Kidrobot figures. It’s just silly.

  4. I agree with you Rust. I think people are getting caught up on the name Vinylmation. There are just now many more different series of Vinylmation. Park and Urban are decidedly different focuses from each other, but are but very much Vinylmation. Series like Park Starz and now Popcorns are still Vinylmation (Vinyl Disney collectibles that artists paint designs on) they are just on a different mold. Vinylmation never meant “designs on a Mickey mold.” Don’t get caught up in the name and just collect the series or figures you like.

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