Roger Rabbit 9″ Vinylmation

Nick LoCicero

Roger Rabbit 9″ Vinylmation

Disney’s Vinylmation FB page shares a picture of an upcoming 9″ Roger Rabbit Vinylmation!!!! No word on what set it belongs to.

9 thoughts on “Roger Rabbit 9″ Vinylmation”

  1. What happened to his chin? It just kind of disappears. Other than that, it’s a decent design. I would have liked a more interesting facial expression, but that’s the same problem all of Animation 2 suffers from.

    I would have got it if it were a 3″, but as a 9″ I can pass. Who Framed Roger Rabbit is my favorite film ever, and the figure’s alright, but it doesn’t blow me away.

  2. I like this one! Not usually a big 9″ fan, but Roger has some personality. How about some 1 1/2″ weasels? A 9″ Jessica with 3″ Roger would be an instant classic too.

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