Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Chelsey

Nick LoCicero

Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Chelsey

Destination Vinylmation: Chelsey, this Lion King vinyl is one of the most gorgeous 3″ customs I have ever seen.
Chelsey: Thanks for your compliment!

DV: When you sent us the pictues, my jaw dropped. There is so much detail here. And then when you told us how you did it, it made this piece all the more amazing. Please share your technique with our audience.
Chelsey: As an artist, I always like to do something Unique. I did the Grizzly River Bear on the 9″ last year which was my best piece. And now, I want to do something different on the 3″. I always think about what I should create on the outside of the 3″ figure because the 3″ figure is solid inside.

But I remember my father told me, “whenever there is a dream, there is a way!” So I want to challenge myself and try to make it possible. I first picked a figure with a clear head. I tried many tools to make the hole in the head bigger. However, the result is either not smooth enough to paint, or too thick so I can’t really see it from the outside of the head. After many tries, I finally found a way to make it smooth and thin enough so the painting can be seen from outside of the figure. However, my first painting experience is not successful because I am not really familiar with reverse painting technique.

In addition, the scene is really detailed and tiny. The paint sometimes can’t stay on the smooth surface. This was another tough challenge. It’s really hard to find the balance to figure out how to make the inner surface rough enough to hold the paint and still clear enough to be able to see the picture from outside. Again, lots of practice finally pays off. Finally, I did reverse paint on the inside of the head and normal paint on the body of the figure to create the whole Lion King Scene. This figure become my first Special Edition Inner Reverse painting “Lion King” Custom Vinylmation 3″.

DV: Is this for sale or for the personal collection?
chelsey: My creation is always for sale. But I haven’t though about price for this one yet. Anyone who is interest in my custom Vinylmation can reach me through email: or leave me a message on facebook:

DV: Don’t forget to like Chelsey’s FB page to get updates on her latest work.

4 thoughts on “Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Chelsey”

  1. I agree. Best one ever! I bought a case of the lion king when it came out. I wish their were more creative designs like this out there! Amazing!

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