Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist John Ward

Nick LoCicero

Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist John Ward

John wrote this message he wanted to share with our readers:

The piece is called, “26.2 with Donna.”  That is a runners weekend that has been held here in Jacksonville for the past 4 years. There is a marathon, half marathon, 5K and a marathon relay.  All in an effort to put a stop to breast cancer.

Each year they have a silent auction called, 26.2 with Donna PINK ROOM Silent Auction. that feature lots of different items, from artwork and gift cards to autographs Jacksonville Jaguars items and hotel weekends.  It’s held two days before the race and all the proceeds go towards breast cancer research. It’s held that the Prime Osborne Convention Center in downtown Jacksonville on the 10th & 11th of Feb.

This year I decided that I would like to donate a vinylmation into the auction.  The logo they have was well suited for a vinylmation and the bright pink and black worked well with the white vinylmation.  I also donated a couple other pieces of my artwork, a couple paintings.

You can find more of John Ward’s work here.