Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Justin Marshall

Nick LoCicero

Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Justin Marshall

Artist Justin Marshall has been featured before, and so you may know of his fondness for a certain purple dragon. Well, he may have topped himself with his latest work.

Front view of Justin’s new 9″ Figment
Back view of 9″ Figment
To see more of Justin’s work, please visit his Facebook page.

24 thoughts on “Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Justin Marshall”

  1. Figment is one of my favorite disney character and Justin has done an incredible job portraying him. I think it is better than any Disney figments that have been designed!!!

  2. Justin ALWAYS put his perfectionist details in everything he creates. His work is always top notch and flawless which what makes him a true Disney Artist! I KNOW Walt Disney has been smiling at the work already displayed and will continue to do so on the future creations on the horizon. Justin’s customs are exquisite – I will guarantee you WiLL be amazed :)

  3. Justin’s custom Vinyls are always wonderful but the Figment’s are even better! I can’t wait to see what he has in store next for our purple friend. :)

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