Name: David
Hometown: Miami, FL
Collection Count: 992
3″ = 866
9″ = 86
Jrs = 31
Park Starz = 3
Customs = 6
How long have you been collecting?
I have been collecting vinylmations since it came out. The way I found out about the vinylmations was when I went on the Disney Cruise while there I went to the store in the cruise and saw these vinyl shaped as mickeys since i’m a Disney collector I decided to buy one and another and another until my friend just told me to buy the whole box and I got the box and the 9″ exclusive park 1 and so started my hunt for them all.
What is your favorite figure that you own?
My favorite vinylmation would have to be 9″ Fantasmic it’s one of my favorite shows in Disney and the design is just beautiful.
What is your favorite figure that you don’t own?
My favorite vinylmation I been looking for the most but i think ill never get it is the Haunted Mansion Shag 9″.
Which of these is the best feeling: Pulling a figure you want… from a blind box you just purchased, from a great trade with another collector, from a mystery trading box at the park or from a clear trading box?
The best feeling is opening a vinyl from a blind box that you want.The best luck I had with my boxes is pulling out the holy grail from my star wars box the Blue ghost Obi-Won chaser and other variants.
The 2 9″ on the right in the last picture aren’t custom, theyre one of a kind
Wow david that’s is awesome… We love it=) Keep on collecting! lol…. Love you your sister, nephew and brother in-law=)
That is***
Great collection!! Where, may I ask, did you get the cases that hold 12 3″ figures??!?! Me want!!!!!!
Hey David is espero que siga en tu colecion is Manifica eres muy intelligent,y tu bera lo bien que bas ha estar es bello I wisf the ves congratulecio martha
Love your collection….some really great pieces. Where do you get all you big character statues from?
David, I especially love the OLD mold Park display!! Nice!!
Nice collection David!!! Also a very good job at the way you have them displayed.
Wow! I can only hope to have that many one day!
And if I am correct, I believe those display cases are from the container store. I have some :]
hi Davi is so nice ,you have lot ho then well hope you have good time se you martha chao