Somewhere over the course of the past couple years, EPCOT has seemed to replace Magic Kingdom as my favorite Walt Disney World park. It’s the one I end up at the most as it’s so enjoyable to just go, walk around, take pictures and have a bite to eat there. This October the park turns 30. It’s undergone many changes over the years… some of our favorite attractions have come and gone. I’m not sure if it’s just rose colored glasses, but today’s EPCOT attractions do not seem to be as cool as some of the extinct ones. I also enjoy the retro designs of EPCOT much more than styles we see today. That is why I was thrilled when I read the latest post on the Disney Parks Blog. It is a sneak peak at some of the upcoming merchandise, and very specifically, pins.
I’m really excited about all the retro inspired merchandise that will be coming out later this year. But I have to say, just as my bank account was recovering from last year’s WDW 40th and The Florida Project, I am afraid I’ll see another dip this fall. No mention of Vinylmation… but what would you like to see? Some single 3″ or 9″? How about an LE set? Coming on the heals of a few EPCOT related LE sets from the WDW-centric Park 7 (Kitchen Kaberet and Tapestry of Nations) I’m not sure how much we will see, but I would love it! Check out the full Disney Parks Blog article here. There are a few more designs revealed.
It seems like Epcot’s 25th was barely 2 years ago! Time flies. Hopefully we’ll see a figure or two that reflects the retro design look of that 30th anniversary artwork. I still can’t get enough of vintage Epcot.
That being said, I say Disney should go ahead in a new direction & create an Epcot celebrity series using the Mickey mold. Ellen Degenres, Gary Sinise, Michael Jackson, Martin Short, even Judi Dench! Maybe a Jaimie Lee Curtis figure with a variant version of her eating a cup of Activia
All kidding aside, I’m looking forward to a sneak peek of what they’ll in store Vinylmation-wise.
I think in terms of a vinylmation, as a big fan of epcot I wouldn’t mind a single special edition or maybe a double pack, since the 40th anniversary sets from this year have lots of epcot items, so they can’t really go too overboard. Anything with the golf ball or figment will be picked up by me.
Yes, I would love to see a Retro Vinylmation, er, OLD mold Vinylmation for the event. Maybe a two pack with one OLD mold “Today Vintage” design and a NEW mold with a current design.
Does anyone know why Epcot retired the character greeting for figment? I only saw him once and never again.