From the person on who shared the picture of the chaser (Damang6388), comes a picture of what appears to be the box side with the full Monorail Cars lineup.
Lightning, Mater, Chick Hicks, Red, Doc Hudson, Finn Missile, Ramone, Filmore, Flo, Sheriff, Francesco Bernoulli, Holly Shiftwell (Chaser). Thanks to Evilos for the heads up tweet.
I think thats Sally next to Doc.
This mold I do not like. The Cars I dont mind, but what drew me to vinylmation in the first place was the moving arms and head. If the doors on the monorails opened and closed (or something else) I might collect it. This just looks like a rectangular piece of plastic.
I wouldn’t mind getting a couple of them just for customization purposes.
I thought the same thing. Don’t like the line, but something can definitely be done with the shape.
How did anyone at Disney ever think these were a good idea? They continue to pump out hundreds of “Cars” toys every year and I would bet they thought these would be a way to tap into the Vinylmation collector market but really… these are just a chisel nosed chunk of plastic with a squared off car printed on them. These should go right to the half-price sale aisle pretty quickly.