A picture of the presumed chaser for the Monorail Cars series has been posted on Vinylnation.net. It appears that at least one case of this series went on sale in Disneyland 10 days before it was supposed to be on shelves.
The design shown features Holley Shiftwell from Cars 2.
This is one of the dumbest series ever.
Disney… “Really?”
This is just STUPID! Defitnely the Dumbest mistake Disney has ever made!!!
Wow, people hate these. It’s like a monorail killed their parents or something.
Seriously! Also – if you haven’t gotten to Albuquerque and the Stranger Factory recently, you’ve GOT to check it out. :-)
Well my parents WERE monorails, and I still hate this series!
When I look at these I don’t see a monorail. I see a pencil shape with a Cars theme on them. I don’t get the Cars and Monorail connection either. Maybe they could have done different monorail designs through the years like the Tronorail. I wont be buying these.
I don’t care what any one else says, I love this series and hope to get it soon.
Why does the mold not have any definition? If the mold actually looked LIKE a monorail it would have that going for it. These are just awful!
Wow. And we thought the Sea Creatures/New Mold combo had a lot of people against it. Maybe this set would have looked better if the monorail shape had, y’know, MONORAILS painted onto it.
Everyone who is a serious Disney collector understands this is just a marketing thing in regards to CARS LARD coming out this Summer. Product Synergy they call it. Its just another product tie in, just like John Carter, Pirates and TRON.
*Cars Land, Cars Lard is coming next fall.
I hate it, mostly because I didn’t care for cars and because this is not what I would consider vinylmation. Not to mention this mold looks more like a fat pencil then a monorail. Boooo
Stupid Set. Stupid Designs (No offence to the artists). Stupid Chaser.
I LOVE THESE! I thought the Mickeys were stupid…finally a cool looking vinylmation. I love the big fat pencil colorful sidewalk chalk writer look. Boooo on the negative comments. I think they are cool looking. Much cooler than the Mickeys.
Love them!
I think these are great. Let’s remember folks. These are “toys” intended for “children”. My son who is 3 1/2 loves to ride the monorail at Disneyland and thinks its great that now his beloved “Cars” characters are on the “monorail.” For little boys, this is a cool and fun collection. And Disney can never do wrong. We need to support these artists are they try to break the “mold.” Go Vinylmation!!! Go Disney!!!
That is one of the best points I have ever read about Vinylmation. -Nick
I respectfully disagree. I don’t believe these are “toys” intended for “children”. Kids like bright packaging and seeing what they are getting. I’m sure there is nothing more disappointing the a kid opening a blind box and screaming “whaa I didn’t want this one!” Kids like accessories, articulation and play ability; not art work on a mickey or monorail canvas. There are plenty of Cars toys and some monorail toys out there, and I get that its cool to have both interest combined, but these aren’t targeted toward kids. I like women and ice cream, but Ice Cream Shop Barbie isn’t intended for my demographic. People need to realize that this is an adult collectible with appeal to kids. I also disagree with the statement: “Disney can never do wrong”. I think people confuse product with character. What I mean is sometimes no matter what the product is, people will buy it cause it has their favorite character printed on it. A perfect example of this is Pook-a-looz. Hardcore Disney fans bought their favorite character, even though the product itself was “out there”. But the true test of stability is if the everyday guest purchase the item. And in the case of Pook-a-looz’s, the answer is no. With all that said, I am a fan of Disney always branching out and trying new things, but I can seperate my Disney passion from my business sense.
I have to agree with Michael here. I don’t think Vinylmation is “intended for children.” They aren’t necessarily classified as “toys” either, they are collectibles. As Michael stated there are plenty of ACTUAL toys for children out there already. The Cars monorails are more “art” than “toy,” in my opinion. Personally I love the monorail vinylmations, they’re brilliantly designed and are of fantastic quality. Yes, they’re not for everyone, but we can’t simply dismiss them as toys.