One of our long time listener/readers Don Sawyer sent us an interesting bit of information today. He told us how he has been in the process of collecting all the variants lately. So he has been diligently following variant sales for some time now. Even he was shocked at this one…
A WDW Park 6 “All Other Guest Areas” variant just sold for $505!!! Don says this by far the highest price he’s ever seen paid for a single variant. Same thoughts here. We do know this particular variant is mostly likely the most rare variant known to Vinylmation. But a $505 price tag? That seems extremely high with very little room for an increase in value here. What are you thoughts? Are there any single figures you would pay this price tag for? What is the most you have ever paid for a single Vinylmation 9″ or 3″?
i paid about 80 for a p1 ELP, and that was about 6 months ago.
I’ve seen the U8 Rudos Variant sell twice this weekend for $300 also… Variants are going nuts!
I’m not in a postion to pay stupid prices, the most ive spent is about $30-40 on a single figure. I find this price awful and will only make the digital scale hunters & case horders worst.
It’s just tax season and idiots have money to burn! During this past christmas, prices were dropping.
I agree with chase prices on a lot of vinylmation has been going up since February probably because it’s tax season. Right before Christmas vinyl prices were very low because everyone was broke. Regardless $500 is outrageous for any vinyl that’s not the balloon chaser. But lucky person for the person who was selling it good on them.
My most expensive purchase was $229 for Creepy, shhhhh don’t tell my wife.
While I agree that its fun and great to put some value towards pieces when trading but in regards to selling people have gone way overboard trying to price there items and looking forward to make a profit.
In my opinion, in this scenario where this article mentions that the park 6 “Theme Parks All Other Guest Areas” variant sold recently for $505. That person probably got hit in the head by a coconut and realized he/she’s just one greedy S.O.B
Although I do agree that it is alright to price rare items at a modest price point to bring a sense of collectibility. It should not make some greedy person inclined to make 200-300 dollars out of a little 3” piece of plastic whether it is a variant “a recent one!!!!!” regardless of the edition size or rarenest.
This variant is not even close to Ghost Obi and is selling for more come on man
I think someone should report that person on ebay and allow them to face the truth. Its not fair for a person to take advantage with that kind of price!
I think you are misunderstnding the point here. There shouldn’t be any words directed at the seller. Look at the bidding history. It started at $99. After 29 bids, it landed at an outragous price by a last minute bidder who’s only bid was the winning bid. There were no coconuts involved here. Just unexplainable/uncomprehensible bidding. I would be curious to see if the person actually paid the bill.
Sorry if I misunderstood the bidding process;
However if you take in to account the other people who place newer variants at extremely high rates; thats nothing to take into consideration as positive.
Out of those 29 bids, there were 11 different bidders. This variant is an extremely hard one to find. I haven’t really seen one in awhile. Unfortunately, it is one that I need to complete my Park 6 set. Luckily, I have the Purple Donald, but i could see that one going for several hundred too. Not many of those around either.
If someone is willing to pay that…then they’re not being taken advantage of…its their money and the market will determine value. I agree the price is ridiculous but, if someone wants to buy it then that’s their deal
Totally agree. Who knows what their reasons were for purchasing it, but it’s simply supply and demand. That’s how much that particular seller valued his vinyl at. So did the buyer. In my eyes, everyone wins. For the record, I do think that price is crazy high. Highest I ever paid was $130 for El Super Raton.
It’s not the sellers fault, I have this variant and for fun I always track them when they are on sale and I watched the bidding war the whole time it did not start at that price I think it started at around $250. I think it is crazy for it to go up so much and at that price I actually am considering selling mine so that I can start to purchase the Park one set and maybe Supermouse. There is another one up for auction that ends in about 6 days and it started at $299 and last time I checked it already had one bid. It will be fun to watch the bidding war again.
kin hell. thats bonkers. sell em all I say and go on a cruise
You can’t believe eBay prices – eBay is RAMPANT with falsified bids made by the sellers to raise the price or perceived value of their items. All one has to do is bid your item up to whatever you want people to think it “goes for” (using another account or having a partner do it), and let the auction end. Then, the next time you list it, people see that “similar items” “sold” in the past for $500! Wow, what a deal I’m getting for only $300! Don’t believe the hype.
Another Park 6 sign variant auction just ended on eBay at $495 so for whatever reason the demand for this vinylmation has risen to Park 1 chaser status.
There is another one listed that is already at $535 with 4 days left on the auction! I guess people are cashing in now!
If you list something on eBay and it sells you have to pay a fee.
Can you tell me how you can find out if a series is retired or stores are just out of stock.
Stores tell me they don’t know.
Uh-oh! Looks like a dumpster dive sign. It’s dirty and you can see it in the photos. Watch out.
The two that sold and the one running now (all near $500) have the same bidders, one with 0 history of sales and another with about 200. It all seems too fishy to me.
I’ve seen scrappers being traded at WDW. I got two during my trip marie from A1 from a mystery box trade and same with sam the eagle. Very scuffed up and gross. I traded them back of coarse.
Wow!!! That’s crazy!! I just got this one today at the Disney Character Premiere store as part of a buy three for $9.99!!!!