A Few New Details Emerge for “Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure”, Opening June at Epcot

Tom Corless

A Few New Details Emerge for “Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure”, Opening June at Epcot

We now know that “Phineas and Ferb: Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure” will open in June at Epcot, replacing the Kim Possible World Showcase Adventure. The following video doesn’t reveal much, but there are some interesting sound-bites as an Imagineer gives the show creators and voice of Phineas a tour of World Showcase:

The video does confirm that not much will be changing with the attraction as far as physical props, except where it is absolutely necessary (like Doofensmirtz replacing the Kim Possible villain inside the Glockenspiel in Germany). The video portions at the recruitment centers and on the communicator devices will be all new, obviously.

Stay tuned to WDWNT as more information on this upcoming attraction becomes available.

1 thought on “A Few New Details Emerge for “Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure”, Opening June at Epcot”

  1. Love Agent P! I'm sad to see Kim Possible go though. It was one of my favorite shows… Oh well! I know this will be even better! :)

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