Cricket Pics

Nick LoCicero

Cricket Pics

A listener/reader Charlie sent in some pictures of the Make a Wish Jiminy Cricket he purchased at his local Disney Store yesterday. He notes some problems with the production paint job. You can here a voicemail he left with his review on our latest podcast, episode 70.

12 thoughts on “Cricket Pics”

  1. I picked one of these up at my Disney Store yesterday. Unfortunately they kept them behind the counter, so I couldn’t really go through each one. Mine had the same speck of paint in the ear as the one reviewed did. Overall, though, the one I got was pretty good quality. My only issue is that the hat itself is over-sized for the head and falls off very easily. It is not a snug fit at all. Otherwise, it seems like cosmetic issues like this are to be expected with the new mold and apparently the new process they use to make vinylmations. The most disappointing thing with all of the quality issues lately is that one of the purposes of the new mold was said to be better product quality. Clearly, that isn’t the case.

  2. The paint application has little to do with the mold, but a difference in the factories used by the Disney Store products as opposed to the Disney Parks products. We have not seen a production problem with the Disney Design Group vinyls.

  3. I really do like the type of paint on the Wish Jiminy though. The beautiful outfit has a nice pearly glow. If you look at Jiminy’s face in bright light, it has a sparkly iridescent effect. It somehow magically makes me feel like this is my favorite Vinylmation.

  4. Got my Vinyl at Rockaway NJ. No issues with the quality, my paint looks great. One gripe: the hat makes him top heavy and he falls over backwards easily.

  5. ya I picked up mine on the day it came out and 11 days later I just noticed this out of whack paint job they did…. I hope they don’t recall him….. :(

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