Disney Store Rumors

Nick LoCicero

Disney Store Rumors

The Playwright sent a few Disney Store Vinylmation related rumors our way today. Check it out, and remember, these are only rumors from one particular Disney Store.

1. Robots 2 will be released at Disney Stores on Friday with a special sale that includes Pop Vinyls. Something like buy a number of vinyls and get a Pop Vinyl for free.

2. Urbans will be back in Disney Stores this month with Urban 9.

3. The first Jrs set being sold at Disney Stores with the Snow White and Seven Dwarf Jrs.

1 thought on “Disney Store Rumors”

  1. This is some great news, I was very sad when the urban series began to get phased out. The jrs should be my 1st case of jrs, that set looks amazing. And as a robot collector series 2 is a must buy! Hope this is real news!

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