First Look: Phineas and Ferb Vinylmation!

Nick LoCicero

First Look: Phineas and Ferb Vinylmation!

Update: 4/27/12 Where’s Perry? On there he is! In Agent P form. Picture from @njoysiscarett. We’ll need to see him in greater detail. but he looks kinda like the other Perrys we’ve seen from custom artists.

What a great unexpected news day!!! As we see the concept art for the new Phineas and Ferb interactive game coming to EPCOT later this year, Tomio posted these preview pictures of some of the Phineas and Ferb Vinylmation figures.

Phineas, Ferb, Candice, Doofenshmirtz and Buford are shown. Where is Perry??? Hopefully this isn’t the entire lineup. We are thinking a May 25th release for these as there is a signing set up at D-Street Orlando that day with the artist Ron Cohee. And from Attractions Magazine, here is a look at the concept art I mentioned:


13 thoughts on “First Look: Phineas and Ferb Vinylmation!”

  1. the only one that makes an sense is Buford because he’s round and tubby anyway. The other ones just look distorted and weird and Candice, like the Tinkerbells, looks fat. I don’t get it.

  2. YAY!! These look (from what I can tell) a lot better then what i thought, I was wondering how they would be able to capture them since PnF have very distinct shapes. Now PLEASE let there be a Perry!

  3. Phineas and Ferb it is just out of control… Disney really run out of ideas…?? whats next… bring every character that is Disney relate and use it on vinylmation…. come on Disney stop making cheap design… stop digging little kids pockets for money… !!!!!

    • I *kinda* see what you’re saying… there have been a few that i’ve thought that… i initially got into vinylmation because of urban, i just love the art. but i’ve been hoping they’d make this series for well over a year. As a 27-year-old…. these are almost as much a must have as Disney Afternoon was. I absolutely love this cartoon and can’t say thank you enough for finally giving me an Agent P

      • I agree, I am 26 and I am have been dying for Phineas and Feb but mostly for PERRY!! I caNOT wait! I may have to buy many Perry’s for just in case situations, lol.

        • Agreed, I’m… well not a kid, and I am so very excited about these. (this reply actually covers a few points raised here) There were multiple ways to go with these and if Disney is choosing the route of representing the character onto the full Mickey mold, they did a great job. If Disney limited it to characters that fit correctly on the mold, we would be left with a ton of Mickey’s, large animals and some of the overweight Disney characters. I like Mickey-mold Vinylmation for what they are, a representation of the character on the mold the artist is given to work with. Oh, and Disney is kind of in the business of digging our pockets for money… but we love it. – Nick

  4. We don’t know yet, but i would love to see a picture of regular perry on the back of agent p. Also, i would love to see a neck extention for candace

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