A couple 9″ Park 8 LEs and an unidentified figure were on display today at the Disney Moms event as well. No release date or prices. Thanks to @kelskc for tweeting us these pics by @njoysiscaretti.
Park 8 Contemporary and Monorail combo.
Park 8 Birthday Cake Castle
This 9″ was also on display. It is on the old 9″ mold. Can you help identify it? Is it an Art of Animation? Although the design isn’t representative of any of the hotels being constructed.
oh I like the Monorail Combo and the Birthday cake is a for sure must!
Actually, these are kind of ugly when close up. The Contemporary isn’t as amazing as I hope it’d be, but I do appreciate the 3″ isn’t a Monorail Red/Orange but a Gold. And the Castle Cake… Oh my dog. I love the Castle Cake but I really dislike how it’s portrayed on the 9″. Doesn’t even resemble Cinderella Castle.
Why do the new mold 9 inches have 2 left arms??
Disappointed with the choice of putting this on the new mold. All of these are ugly! Well, at least this will save me some $$!
There was a lot of talk that people thought that monorail was going to be red so glad that it is infact gold
To help you with your question, their was an exhibit in tomorrowland at disneyland in the 60’s that showed the process of animation and that 9 inch is that exhibit’s poster.
Perfect, thanks for the info!
You can check out the original poster for the Art of Animation exhibit at Disneyland here:
Thanks for finding the link… the vinyl looks spot on.
Wow. The cake vinyl is just as wretched as its inspiration.
I personally love the last one. Just amazing to see it.
Yeah, the castle cake sucks. It would be ok for a 3″, but for a 9″ I usually expect more detail.
Is it just a coincidence but the ones that look the worst are the ones on the new mold. I went to WDW when the castle was decorated to look like a cake and that vinyl does not represent it at all, just awful looking.
I agree, there is no definition in it. And as much as I enjoy the Contemporary as an icon of the WDW landscape, I was hoping for a better look on that as well. – Nick
I agree the Animation one matches the Disneyland poster someone linked, but isn’t this series a WDW 40th anniversary series? Dd the exhibit come to Florida?
Only the first 2 are Park 8s. Not sure yet what series the Animation one goes with. The Animation one is also old more 9″, unlike the two above it.
Contemporary looks nice, Birthday Cake could’ve been great but lacks detail, and 3rd I’m not familiar with but looks ok. Excited to see the Yeti P8 9 inch. By the way, why 2 left hands?
Boy they are really trying to kill of the 9″, especially if its at that new bs MSRP of 74.99. these were all great ideas, just executed incorrectly. The contemporary and birthday cake castle could have been so much more =(