Park Starz Series 1 Variants Explained

Nick LoCicero

Park Starz Series 1 Variants Explained

Park Starz Series 1 Variants Explained
Release Dates: Summer 2012 (Various)
Where: D-Streets and Online
Price: $24.95
LE: Varies
Artists: Thomas Scott and Casey Jones
Details: Each variant is sold in a stand alone tin in which you know what figure you are getting. There will be a signing on June 29th at D-Street Orlando from 5p-7p with Thomas Scott and Casey Jones.

Update 5/25/12 Park Starz Squid variant announced. Possible Comic Con release. Online release on July 13. It will be LE 2000 and $24.95.

Update 5/29/12 Release date for Abe moved to June 15. Release date for Bride confirmed at June 8. LE for Bride confirmed at 999, while the others are still 2500. Also, a $24.95 price tag is confirmed.

Haunted Bride Ghost Variant
LE 999
Release Date: June 8th, 2012

Yellow Sweater Figment
LE 5000
Release Date: July 13, 2012
Online Exclusive

Golden Yeti
LE 2500
Release Date: June 22nd, 2012

Copper Abe Lincoln
LE 2500
Release Date: June 15th, 2012

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Purple Squid
Comic Con and Online Release
LE 1954
Release Date: July 13th, 2012

14 thoughts on “Park Starz Series 1 Variants Explained”

  1. These variants will not begin to release until late June. No official release dates have been announced.

    • The release dates are as stated above in this post. The dates were announced at the May 11th Trade Night.

  2. I’m pretty sure the official dates were announced. I don’t know them off the top of my head though.

  3. I will just say do not be surprised when you go to D-Street on May 25 and they don’t have the Abe Lincoln

  4. Haunted Bride Ghost releases at D-Street Friday, June 8. It will have an LE of 999 and be $24.95

  5. Only getting the Figment, wasnt expecting the $24.95 price tag but hey, could be worst.

  6. Is the $24.95 price tag confirmed for all 4 variants or just the Bride? Relative to DIsney’s thought process of pricing, I can see the Bride being $24.95 because of the lower LE, but I would think the other 3 might be $19.95. At $24.95, the other 3 variants may sit around for quite awhile before being discounted. Twenty five bucks for a single Vinylmation is quite high in the grand scheme.

    • It’s as confirmed for Abe as it can be. It’s printed on Disney’s events page… but they have been known to have some typos.

  7. I was on the calander page and saw that the Park Starz Figment varriant is no longer listed as being released online June 22nd. Has there been a change of date or has it been cancelled? any udpates? also with a release date online, does it happen at midnight or during the day? i want to make sure i get my figment before all the scalpers get their hands on them.

  8. Is the Abe variant sold out at D-Street and/or the Parks? Personally, I think Disney did the ol’, “Sold Out online gimmick” only to have it reappear in the future. I cannot see 2500 Abes disappearing that quickly. When was the last time Disney sold out of ANYTHING with an edition size of 2500???? That is other than say, Dole Whips. :-)

    • See……..Disney put Abe back up for sale today only to have it Sold Out again. Stop Disney!! Put them all up for sale.

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