Park Starz Series 1 Variants Explained
Release Dates: Summer 2012 (Various)
Where: D-Streets and Online
Price: $24.95
LE: Varies
Artists: Thomas Scott and Casey Jones
Details: Each variant is sold in a stand alone tin in which you know what figure you are getting. There will be a signing on June 29th at D-Street Orlando from 5p-7p with Thomas Scott and Casey Jones.
Update 5/25/12 Park Starz Squid variant announced. Possible Comic Con release. Online release on July 13. It will be LE 2000 and $24.95.
Update 5/29/12 Release date for Abe moved to June 15. Release date for Bride confirmed at June 8. LE for Bride confirmed at 999, while the others are still 2500. Also, a $24.95 price tag is confirmed.
Abe – Yes
Figment – Yes
Yeti – Not so much
These variants will not begin to release until late June. No official release dates have been announced.
The release dates are as stated above in this post. The dates were announced at the May 11th Trade Night.
I’m pretty sure the official dates were announced. I don’t know them off the top of my head though.
I will just say do not be surprised when you go to D-Street on May 25 and they don’t have the Abe Lincoln
Haunted Bride Ghost releases at D-Street Friday, June 8. It will have an LE of 999 and be $24.95
Only getting the Figment, wasnt expecting the $24.95 price tag but hey, could be worst.
Is the $24.95 price tag confirmed for all 4 variants or just the Bride? Relative to DIsney’s thought process of pricing, I can see the Bride being $24.95 because of the lower LE, but I would think the other 3 might be $19.95. At $24.95, the other 3 variants may sit around for quite awhile before being discounted. Twenty five bucks for a single Vinylmation is quite high in the grand scheme.
It’s as confirmed for Abe as it can be. It’s printed on Disney’s events page… but they have been known to have some typos.
I was on the calander page and saw that the Park Starz Figment varriant is no longer listed as being released online June 22nd. Has there been a change of date or has it been cancelled? any udpates? also with a release date online, does it happen at midnight or during the day? i want to make sure i get my figment before all the scalpers get their hands on them.
Is the Abe variant sold out at D-Street and/or the Parks? Personally, I think Disney did the ol’, “Sold Out online gimmick” only to have it reappear in the future. I cannot see 2500 Abes disappearing that quickly. When was the last time Disney sold out of ANYTHING with an edition size of 2500???? That is other than say, Dole Whips. :-)
See……..Disney put Abe back up for sale today only to have it Sold Out again. Stop Disney!! Put them all up for sale.
Is the PS Figment variant still scheduled for online release today?
Even though it was a rumer, I waited up all night for it and saw nothing……….