Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Cesilie

Nick LoCicero

Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Cesilie

Destination Vinylmation: A long time ago we featured some of your work, but I honestly do not think we ever posted the finished sports players. I love the sculpted hats!

Cesilie: Thanks! They were fun to create and I have a few more hats sitting around waiting to be… drafted to a team ;)


DV: USA Mickey is all over your Facebook page. Did you have any challenges creating the rustic look on him?

Cesilie: My mom is the mastermind behind the antiquing process. When I created my vintage Minnie she suggested we give them a lil bit of something extra. Since I’m all about the vintage feel and look I thought giving them a bit of brown would make them look sort of wooden. It’s actually a really easy thing to do.

DV: Oswald! How long did it take you after seeing Disney Easter Bunny to decide to make this?

Cesilie: Literally as soon as I saw the leaked photos of the Easter Donald vinyl I screamed “OSWALD!!!!”. I’ve been wanting to make an Oswald since I started doing my vinyls… For me he’s such an under rated and under appreciated Disney character- after all if it wasn’t for Oswald being taken away there would’ve been no Mickey!

My motto’s always been “It may be big because of the mouse but it’s because of the loss of the rabbit.”. When I was able to go to Disneyland and pick up some of the Easter Bunnies I just knew they would be perfect for an Oswald :)

DV: Is Facebook still the best place to contact you and see your work? Do you still do commissioned pieces?

It is! I still do commissioned pieces! I’m working on an Avengers set right now as well as some Phantom of the Opera figures. I’ve also opened up my art mediums to other vinyl platforms like dunnys and kidrobots.

1 thought on “Spotlight On: Custom Vinylmation Artist Cesilie”

  1. Vintage Mickey may be my ALLTIME favorite Mickey Vinylmation!!!!!! It’s perfect. Perfect color, perfect accessory, perfect aging, and simplistic. LOVE it!!

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