The WDW Trading Night was full of previews as usual. Not much we haven’t seen in some form or another, but some great news including: Release Dates for Park 9, Duffy and Park Starz Variants. A ghost bride reveals herself for the first time. We got our first look at the Mascot Series. And oh ya, we learned of more Mickey’s Circus vinyls for the fall event!
Registration: May 19
Event Dates: September 7-9
Details: We were told of some Vinylmation that are not yet in the preview catalog, but will be available for the event. There will be two 9″ figures each with an LE 100. The CMs would not disclose the identity of the figures. There will also be another 3″ two pack featuring two bears. Again, the identity of the bears was not disclosed, but we can speculate based on the pins and Disney bears that we know. No Vinyls were on display, but we did get a look at 3 of the special pins:
Release Date: June 22
Price: $12.95
Details: 4 figure open window series. Foam fingers, flags and hats highlight this series.
Release Date: July 20
Price: TBA
Details: 12 figure blind box series. We have seen a picture of the pin box in the past, but we have some higher quality pictures of the pins here that show some of the detail.
Release Date: May 25
Price: $12.95
Details: 6 figure open window series. We got our first real up-close look and see the detail in the ears.
Release Date: no date given
Price: TBA
Details: Stitch and Figment “add-ons” to open window series. A really bad tease because no release date given, but they must be getting close… right???
Release Date: June 22 (online), July 6 (parks)
Price: TBA
Details: 2 figure open window series
Release Date: Varies (see below)
Price: TBA
Details: 4 variant figures to the Park Starz series. Each has an LE of 2500
Note: Alex told us that the bride will actually be LE 999.
Do you mind me asking, Alex who? I’m tottally fine with correcting the info we have if if we can verify the LE 999 number with a few more readers out there. I think you are the 2nd comment to this effect, but I was told buy the artist Eric Caszatt who was attending to the preview table that they were all 2500.
How was trading at the event, so sad i couldnt make it. :-( Did people trade robots 2? In parts? in wholes? in mix and match?
We will discuss this on the podcast, but in a nut shell: Trading was fun as always. Great to see the artists out there. Lots of cool stuff pulled from Disney’s mystery trading box. Lackluster stuff on preview. I did not see many Robots 2 of any kind out on the tables. However, word was, people did NOT want to trade just parts.
Huh, thats interesting. I don’t really care about robots, but sinse you brought it up on your podcast i just wanted to know. Even though i dont live in orlando, i hope to make it for mickey’s circus!
maybe the dole whip is the chaser
Well, normally they will not display the chaser. There are 10 pin designs, the Dole Whip would be the 11th and the rumor is the chaser is a Tower of Terror Bellhop.
I don’t understand. I thought there was going to be an artist signing in WDW on June 29th for the Park Starz Variants. So why then would they have all the variants released before then all on different dates???
There is still a signing scheduled for June 29. From a marketing standpoint, Disney is genius. They are all LE, so people will feel the need to make a trip to the store for each variant plus a fourth trip for the signing.
Why are the nerds on the old mold? Have they been in storage that long? I hope the Haunted Mansion set have been in storage as well then. I’m not complaining — that is amazing to see!
Is Park Series 8 hard to find yet? I am traveling to WDW July 28th. Do you think they will be all gone? I need to buy a full case with my 20% discount!
Park 8 is still plentiful in many stores around WDW.
Park 8 will be out of store locations across WDW by July
how about animation 2? those are some of my favorites
like are they still available
Yes, Animation 2 is still in stores too.
I think that te bears will more than likely be Bongo and Lulabelle from the short in Fun and Fancy Free. In all honesty I can’t really think of any other bears that could make a circus theme. Maybe the bear from the dinner scene in Pocahontas 2.
Maybe a 3″ Humphrey since he is on the bear section of the train in the pin set for the event.