Jose Castillo’s 5/29/12 Epcot Photo Report

Tom Corless

Jose Castillo’s 5/29/12 Epcot Photo Report

Contrary to popular belief, there is some newsworthy stuff going on at Epcot right now. Our good friend Jose Castillo has some photos to share from our journey to the park on Tuesday:

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Removal of Kim Possible has begun for the installation of Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure

Habit Heroes is still closed

Test Track closed too, but not a surprise…

The Test Track All-Stars entertaining guests

Work continues on the exterior of Maelstrom in Norway

Brave sand artwork in progress at the time

So, one of the Universe of Energy ride vehicles got a new plastic body with a light and dark blue color scheme

It definitely wasn’t painted as it felt like brand new plastic

Not only is the Pizza truck gone, but the tables and props are gone too

Jose got a new camera, so he took some artsy shots…

Youy can clearly see the new automated door that will act as the Turtle Talk entrance

A new sign at the exit of the Seas with Nemo and Friends ride

We haven’t had this photo yet, but Chiquita has been sponsor for a few months now

Perry the Platypus ear hat!

9 thoughts on “Jose Castillo’s 5/29/12 Epcot Photo Report”

  1. The new car at UOE has me intrigued… work coming soon on it maybe? I can't imagine they'd shut it down for any amount of time as long as TT is closed but should we start rumors now that it's going to have a refurb when TT is done? God it really needs one… Sure Ellen still has the same hair style but Jeopardy and Bill Nye just aren't relevant anymore unfortunately.

  2. The new car at UOE has me intrigued… work coming soon on it maybe? I can't imagine they'd shut it down for any amount of time as long as TT is closed but should we start rumors now that it's going to have a refurb when TT is done? God it really needs one… Sure Ellen still has the same hair style but Jeopardy and Bill Nye just aren't relevant anymore unfortunately.

  3. Restore and Improve Epcot ****Horizon 2150*****  Restore Body Wars,  Japan – Fuji Ride or Samurai Exhibit, Britain – Tower of London (Haunted), German – The Brother's Grimm Ride.  Moracco – The Arabian Nights, Add Russia, Brazil, Central Africa.

  4. Restore and Improve Epcot ****Horizon 2150*****  Restore Body Wars,  Japan – Fuji Ride or Samurai Exhibit, Britain – Tower of London (Haunted), German – The Brother's Grimm Ride.  Moracco – The Arabian Nights, Add Russia, Brazil, Central Africa.

  5.  The Universe of Energy is a great place to take a nap without leaving the park . the benches are long ,so my kids could lay down , dark , cool and long . BUT it realy needs an upgrade !

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