Magic Kingdom “New Fantasyland” Construction Update – 6/6/12

Tom Corless

Magic Kingdom “New Fantasyland” Construction Update – 6/6/12

What’s the latest on the New Fantasyland project at the Magic Kingdom? I took plenty of photos during my most recent trip of the progress, so let’s take a look:

Snow White’s Scary Adventures is closed….

Walls go down to Sir Mickey’s

The Seven Dwarfs’ Mine is still open

Speaking of the Seven Dwarfs’, here’s the progress on the Mine Train

The Dumbo marquee was finally installed and the Timothy figure from the old ride is back!

The back of the sign is pretty neat

Work continues on the former Tigger’s Bouncy Place

Rumor is that Winnie the Pooh and Tigger will be doing meet and greets in this new spot

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The facade of Under the Sea: Journey of the Little Mermaid is looking great

More Mine Train

The second Dumbo spinner was testing all week, should be open any day now

Another look at Mermaid

Big Top Souvenirs still under construction

More Mermaid

The new Dumbo sign on a sunnier day…

The hose that the monkey uses to spray guests will go across the entire Casey Jr. Splash ‘N’ Soak Station

Guests have been ripping the handles off of the luggage near the train station

They aren’t doing too well

Some were completely ripped off

Hadn’t see this reference yet

The unlabeled structure next to Pete’s Silly Sideshow is coming along nicely

Pete’s Silly Sideshow progress

Another look at the mystery structure

Some new steel has appeared at the base of the Mine Train

Looks like one of the lower hills

A new stand-by wait sign up at the second dumbo spinner

An arrow was added to the construction walls so it is clearer to guests what is back in Storybook Circus

A day later and a primer coat of paint is going on the new covered area in the Pooh queue

The Castle Walls are coming along quickly

Walls also up near the Carousel

The old Skyway site is still pretty barren

Tarps up at “it’s a small world”

12 thoughts on “Magic Kingdom “New Fantasyland” Construction Update – 6/6/12”

  1. I'm kind of shocked the tarps at Small World are just plain. They've done so well to not do that up until now. 

  2. I’m kind of shocked the tarps at Small World are just plain. They’ve done so well to not do that up until now. 

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