WDWNT: The Magazine Issue 15 Released

David Smith

WDWNT: The Magazine Issue 15 Released


We’re happy to announce the release of issue 15 of WDWNT: The Magazine.  Summer is almost upon us, and we are now in what feels like a holding pattern waiting for all the great additions to the Parks to come to fruition.  While we anxiously wait, this issue takes the opportunity to look back at some of our memories from the Parks.

This issue features articles looking back on Big Thunder Mountain, Life as a Cast Member, and Flight to the Moon / Mission to Mars.  Of course, we also can’t help but look forward to what will eventually replace Snow White’s Scary Adventures and the future of FASTpass.  And if children are our future, then how can we keep them entertained in Epcot’s vision of the future?  That topic is discussed in the article Epcot with Kids.   We also consider the topic of Thrill Rides and the Teenage Guest.  Finally, no discussion about the Disney company would be complete without mention the unmitigated success that is The Avengers, so we offer our unique view of the movie for which blockbuster is simply too small of a word.  And of course, this issue follows the continued adventures of Sorcerer’s of the Magic Kingdom with chapters 3 and 4 of the continuing series.

We hope that you will find the articles both entertaining and educational.  If you have any suggestions or feedback, we are always happy to hear from our readers.  Just send an email to WDWNTthemagazine@wdwnt.com and share your thoughts.

As a reminder, the magazine is available in digital form from our website (http://www.wdwntthemagazine.com) or in printed form from MagCloud (http://www.magcloud.com).  If you like what you read here, please share it with your friends.

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