An Intimate Look Back at the Last 5 Years

Tom Corless

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An Intimate Look Back at the Last 5 Years

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When WDW News Today turned 1 year old, John Corigliano wanted to celebrate with a video recapping the year that was in both Walt Disney World and in our site and podcast. This became an annual tradition for three years, with us eventually canceling the project for 2011 because of a lack of time and resources. We are very happy to share that we did not let our 5 year anniversary go by the same way. Instead of just looking back at the year that was, we decided to do a video recapping the last 5 years when John returned to WDWNT in January. John not only did this, but he also produced a short music video in honor of our big celebration. We hope you enjoy this intimate look back at the last 5 years:

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