Calling All Vinylmation 95 Custom Artists

Nick LoCicero

Calling All Vinylmation 95 Custom Artists

The introduction of the Vinylmation 95 CYO has opened up new doors for custom Vinylmation artists out there. We would love to spotlight your work along side all the Mickey mold customs we have been featuring for years. So whether your a new artist, of a seasoned pro, email us ( with you name and pictures of your work and we will get back to you with some fun questions to make up your article.

While we are waiting for yours, take a look at what these artists, commissioned by Disney, have produced for the Wonderground Gallery at the Downtown Disney District, California.

A Bug’s Life
by Calef Brown

The Little Mermaid
by J. Scott Campbell
by Miss Mindy
Monster’s Inc.
by Lyla Warren
Muppet Vision 3D
by Amy Mebberson

3 thoughts on “Calling All Vinylmation 95 Custom Artists”

  1. OK, I was totally wrong about the Vinylmation 95 mold. The canvas is so huge that the possibilities are endless. So many great ideas have I seen. Someone do a Yoda design!

    • It IS a great canvas. I wish Disney would release a template to help with the design process.

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