Comic Con Figures Offered Via QR Code

Nick LoCicero

Comic Con Figures Offered Via QR Code

At Friday’s WDW Trade Night, Disney explained to us the process through which the 5 Comic Con Vinylmation sets will be made available. Attendees at the event will be able to obtain QR codes to scan with their phone. This QR code is the only way to access the online shop where the Vinylmation that is made available that day can be purchased. At the end of the day, after attendees have their exclusive opportunity to purchase the figures, whatever quantity left over will be made available to everyone. I’m not trying to be a downer here, but after seeing how Disney handles its online sales, I am not having a good feeling about this. Numerous questions are brought to mind immediately including: What time exactly should we non-attendees be looking for these? How will the online store (assuming Disney Store?) handle the inventory count? I am not savvy when it comes to QR codes so, are they unique to each guest? Can they be made public and shared? Where do we non-attendees even look the product to see if it is available yet? It seems like a fun yet overly technical way to deal with a product that is going to be in such high demand. And given Disney’s online track record, we are not only in for some sleepless nights, but some frustrating ones. But I do hope for the best. That it runs smoothly and we collectors are given precise directions on how to attempt to purchase the figures we would like to add to our collections. I just wish they didn’t make us jump through so many hoops to do so.

Check out our Comic Con Explained page for all the pictures, release schedule and details, but for the first time we were shown the 3″/Jr King and Queen of Hearts:

That will be a July 14 release and an LE of 2500 with a price tag of $24.95.

14 thoughts on “Comic Con Figures Offered Via QR Code”

  1. QR codes themslves are simple to use. Hold your SMARTphone up to the QR code. Your SMARTphone scans the code, then it sends you to a corresponding website. In this case, once you are on the site, I imagine it takes you through an ordering process. Like you said above, if it’s the website, I am sure it will be a fiasco. If it is another website set up by SDCC, then it will be hot or miss as to how easy it will be. One saving grace is that not everyone who attends SDCC and wants a vinyl will have a smartphone.

    We all know there are a lot of secondary market Disney sellers. Action figure/toy sellers are worse than Disney sellers ever thought to be. Combine those two things and I KNOW these vinyls will sell out by days end. The profiteers will be coming from both directions to scarf these up. Advice: find a friend and pay their way to Comic Con or it’s ebay here we come. LOL

  2. Wouldn’t it be possible for someone at the event to take a good picture of the QR code and publish it online? If it’s a clear enough picture, I would think people at home would be able to scan it and buy the figures.

    • See, thats what I’m wondering. I know QR codes take you to online content, but as far as I know they are shareable. So it only takes one person to post the photo and the public can use it.

      • Let’s hope that someone will publish that code! ;-) Unless Disney has set up 2000+ websites, each with a different address, the QR code should be universal to everyone.

        • As much as I want the Carl and Ellie vinylmation, I would be ILL if I had paid to go to ComicCon and got beat out at a chance at the figures because someone published the QR code and everyone at home got it before I had a chance. Seems like there’s a very good chance these “Comic Con Exclusives” could become public before they were meant to be. Disney should have come up with a better system so those people don’t get screwed over. ((call me a hypocrite though because if the QR code goes public, I would use it and apologize mentally to the ComicCon attendees))

  3. It just sounds too complicated…I get it for the comic con twin pack, but the AIW & up ones would sell out regardless of All this qr rubbish.

    • Still trying to figure it all out. When Disney responds to us about it we’ll let you know what they say. :)

  4. check out what i saw on the events page of the official vinylmation page..

    July 14, 2012
    Disney Parks Online Store

    Updated – Alice in Wonderland Series, Queen and King of Hearts, 3-inch/Vinylmation Jr. set (Edition Size 2500 / Retail: $ 24.95)
    July 15, 2012
    Disney Parks Online Store

    Updated – Popcorns 1 Series, Mickey Mouse Pie Eye Variant Edition (Edition Size: 5000/ Retail: $ 24.95)

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