Episode 082 Goofy

Nick LoCicero

Episode 082 Goofy

Ep. 082 Goofy

This week we review the new Animation 2 Rhino LE figure. We also dive into the aftermarket debate and have an update on the Disney Store Online.

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3 thoughts on “Episode 082 Goofy”

  1. Great podcast… I got confirmation from cast members and management at D-Street in Orlando that Rhino sold out at 12 noon.

  2. Since you asked… just wanted to let you guys know that my complete set of the SDCC food scent toys arrived yesterday and yes, they have the SDCC sticker on them. Got them off the disneystore.com site with no problem… guess I was one of the lucky ones.

    • It’s great to hear that people who ordered them are getting their SDCC So Tastys! I do know our friend Zoe was not so lucky. Her order was “lost” in shipment.

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