More Pixar Combos Coming (After) Up?

Nick LoCicero

More Pixar Combos Coming (After) Up?

On July 12, a two figure 3″ combo set featuring Carl and Ellie from Up will release at Comic Con and Online. It was great to see them in person with the packaging at the WDW Trade Night. But it wasn’t just the phenomenal designs on the figures that caught my eye. The box, which features pictures of Pixar characters from all the movies, says “Vinylmation Pixar Disney #1”. Meaning… we are to see more Pixar combos coming down the line!

I have been craving this. Especially after it became clear the Animation series is staying away from Pixar. So ever since the Lightning and Mater 2 pack, I have been saying this is the perfect way to present the Pixar universe characters to us. I am super excited! I hope some Bug’s Life vinyls are just over the horizon. Maybe a Marlin and Dory combo? Remy and Linguini? What combos would you like to see in this collection?

7 thoughts on “More Pixar Combos Coming (After) Up?”

    • Forgot to add my ideas for Pixar combos:
      Mike & Sulley or Mike & Celia
      Nemo & Dory
      Flik & Princess Atta
      Mr & Mrs Incredible
      Dash & Elastigirl & Jack Jack
      Russell & Kevin
      Mr & Mrs Potato Head

      Is it time for another Wall*E & Eve combo? Of course, I would have loved to have seen a Nemo series on the OLD mold. The color assortment would have made that set one of the best to display. Too many Nemo characters to limit on Combo packs.

  1. Of they can make princesses and princes this way. Or mr. & mrs. Incredible. Or mike and sully. ( if they do t got to be couples.)

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