I Love Mickey Mouse Series
Released: August 17, 2012 on Facebook, September 21 at D-Streets
Price: $12.95
Details: The first four from this series show a D-Tour meets Oh! Mickey design style. Each of the first four also have a “Buzz” like helmet as part of the design. They are colorful and have a comment lowercase “mm” for Mickey Mouse theme on them. The first four figures are open window and will be available exclusively on Facebook until September 21 when we presume they will move into D-Street.
Comments: Another set that targets a specific audience. Primarily the female collectors and probably more a souvenir audience than a core collector. I like the style, as I did like Oh! Mickey at the time, but although similar in my opinion, fall short of the artistic level D-Tour achieved. The helmets are a cool idea, just not fully executed. I would like to see the helmets painted to compliment the design on the body. -Nick
Features rainbow like stripes across the body and a heart on the front with Mickey’s head at the center of it. One ear has an “L” while the other has a Mickey head. The feet have the signature “mm”. |
Very reminiscent of one of the Oh! Mickey’s, but does have a style all it’s own. |
This one has a running Mickey across the body. One ear has a leaf, the other has a flower that says “I Love mm”. The back has more flowers, leaves and Mickey heads. |
It is what it says it is. Clear all over with hearts with Mickey heads inside. |
I do wish they had chosen a different font. I can’t help but look at these figures and think of m&m’s. :lol:
I belive that’s an “I” not an “L” on the ear of the first figure.
No its an I it just looks like an L because of the dome top makes a reflection.
2 words. So Retro.