Mickey’s Circus Full Itinerary

Nick LoCicero

Mickey’s Circus Full Itinerary

The Mickey’s Circus full itinerary surfaced today. We found it in a tweet by Evilos. We plan on doing another Mickey’s Circus tips and preview segment on next weekend’s podcast (so submit your questions now) and we will go over this itinerary in detail. No big surprises, but it looks like this:

The early pick up on Thursday, September 6 will be held once again at the Coronado Springs Resort in the Veracruz A ballroom. Pick up begins at Noon, but be warned, for some reason people line up hours earlier than that. I was taken off guard last year thinking it was a stop by and pick up process… it is not. I had to leave without picking up my merchandise after driving all the way down there because I drove over on a break from work. Expect to wait in line a few hours even if you show up later than Noon.

Then from 7pm-10pm in the same location is a FREE Vinylmation and Pin trading event. NOTE: This IS open to anyone, not just Mickey’s Circus registered guests. For pin fans, they will be selling a Pin Trading Night Figment LE 500 pin.

Thursday is Breakfast (a separate ticket event) and the first pin trading day. Friday is day 2 for pins and the Dessert Reception (a separate ticket event). Listen to the Once Upon a Pin Podcast for all the pin details.

Sunday, September 9 is the Vinylmation day. Arrive early, especially if you hadn’t done early registration and still need to pick up your merchandise. Many people line up about 2 hours prior to the doors opening. At 9:30, guests will be let inside where you will find various trading areas set up with Disney Cast Members, a partitioned section for guest to guest trading and a future Vinylmation preview section.

The big draw is the 1pm Vinylmation talk. If you can not make it, we will be covering it live on the homepage of our website. There will be live photos posted and a real time chat session where you can talk with MC and myself. We will then of course put out a comprehensive podcast just hours after the event closes. Stay with DV all weekend long for updates on the website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. They preview vinyls even during the pin days.

5 thoughts on “Mickey’s Circus Full Itinerary”

  1. Like last year, lol
    It’s a small world keychains and the zodiac series, that was a complete miss on Disney

  2. Is the Grand Prize Basket winner selected from all of the registered attendees?? or do you have to buy a ticket for that???

  3. this is about mickey’s circus: I will be going on sunday and this will be my first disney event, I am very excited but a bit scared since i have heard these turn grown adults into 5 year olds with tantrums. Hope its as amazing as I hope. I got one of each of the vinylmations on my RSP :) anyone have any tips about what to do and what to avoid?

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