Mickey’s Circus Day 1: HQ Photo Recap

Nick LoCicero

Mickey’s Circus Day 1: HQ Photo Recap

First some pictures of the atmosphere. It wasn’t quite as cool as last years retro Walt Disney World theme, but there were some neat little treats around the room.

Now, here are some of the Vinylmation previews from Day 1:

Released online via Disney Vinylmation Facebook Store today. September 21 parks release

Haunted Mansion – September 21 (WDW), 22 (DLR)

Pixar – September 28

Classic Collection – November 21

Mechanical Kingdom – October 5

2013 Vinylmation of the Month series. 1 LE figure released each month. 13 figure set

Mad T Party – DCA Only Release

Junior 7: Space – January 2013 Release

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