Mickey’s Circus Day 2: HQ Photo Recap

Nick LoCicero

Mickey’s Circus Day 2: HQ Photo Recap

Some more theme shots.

Next year’s trading event begins on Friday, September 13th and is Villains themed!!!

Now on to the vinyls…

Pixar 1

Classic Collection

Fantasia LE 2000 Combos. 8 2-packs in series. The first release in October is at D-Streets. The second release in November is online only.


Park 11 is Disney’s California Adventure themed. Expect a late October release

9″ Grizzly River Run

Minnie’s Fly Girls

Otter from GRR

California Screamin

More 2013 vinyls. One LE vinyl will be released each month, with a 13th figure being released at a special time. Each design is from a different artist and will be used across merchandise lines.

9 thoughts on “Mickey’s Circus Day 2: HQ Photo Recap”

  1. Thank you. I didnt know because I am not much familar with DCA. So i asked a Cast Member and that is what they told me.

    • Your Welcome. Thanks for the great coverage of the event for someone who isn’t able to visit the event and any non CA state for that matter.

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