Adam Roth’s 10/19/12 Downtown Disney Photo Report

Tom Corless

Adam Roth’s 10/19/12 Downtown Disney Photo Report

WDWNT Reporter Adam Roth visited Downtown Disney on Friday and has a few newsworthy photos to share with us from his trip. Let’s take a look:

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The new Characters in Flight balloon

California Adventure attraction posters are now available through “art on demand” at Art of Disney locations

Wreck-It Ralph merchandise available at World of Disney

A lot of this is stuff you can find at your local Disney Store

The shirt is unique to the parks… wonder if 1982 is an Epcot or Tron reference…


Specialty drinks available

It’s “Fall at Downtown Disney”

Irish step-dancers are out by Raglan Road

It’s Fall!

More musicians entertain pretzel-filled guests

Recycled Not-So-Scary decorations all around

Adam sees seafood

Adam has an unnatural obsession with seafood…


These food movie posters are pretty comical

My personal favorite

3 thoughts on “Adam Roth’s 10/19/12 Downtown Disney Photo Report”

  1. Any idea if “art on demand” from Art of Disney is available for purchase online. Love the attraction posters.

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