Welcome Back Park Starz 1

Nick LoCicero

Welcome Back Park Starz 1

So I was sitting in the audience awaiting the Vinylmation talk at Mickey’s Circus back in September. And all I could think of was Park Starz 2!!!! Well, we didn’t get much from the sequel, but we did find out the first series will make a reapearance in stores while we await the follow up next year. Today, unannounced, Park Starz 1 appeared online and at D-Street.

It’s so cute how they continue to call Pleasure Island Mr. Funmister a “mystery” chaser. It’s wrong on a few levels. In cased you missed this wonderful set, you now have a chance to pick it up. And in case you missed our Park Starz 1 photoshoot, check it out here.

2 thoughts on “Welcome Back Park Starz 1”

  1. I don’t care these were rereleased. Maybe now I can finally pick up the Robot Butler and the Bride for less on eBay (hopefully).

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