Disney Infinity Unboxing and Quick Review


Disney Infinity Unboxing and Quick Review


Fellow fan of the site, Da Endgame sent us a quick review and unboxing of the newly released Disney Infinity game. In the video, he quickly discusses how he was hesitant to buy the game but someone (cough, cough) persuaded him to buy it. Of course like any true collector, one does not simple buy the game. No, you go all out and buy them all.

Da Endgame goes on with his unboxing sharing the best deals you can currently get when buying Disney Infinity. You can check out these deals below to help you save a lot when buying all the Play Sets and Individual Characters. Da Endgame concludes his video with much better expectations about Disney Infinity then when he originally heard about it.

Check out the video above and don’t forget to subscribe to his YouTube page and follow him on Twitter.

Source: A Wild Podcast Appears