REVIEW: Pirate’s Horizon Drink Brings POG Juice to Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party at the Magic Kingdom

Jessica Figueroa

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REVIEW: Pirate’s Horizon Drink Brings POG Juice to Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party at the Magic Kingdom

Boo to you! And welcome to this year’s Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. We recently delved into a night of ghoulish treats, spooky merchandise, and chilling spells. Trick, or treat? Thanks to the Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Unlimited Party Pass,we’ll be dropping in to parties throughout the Halloween season. Let’s move on to some of the delectable beverages we might’ve missed on the first night of the party. Over at Aloha Isle, you can find the new Pirate’s Horizon mocktail, which is the closest you’ll get to POG juice in the Magic Kingdom.

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Pirate’s Horizon – $4.99

The Pirates Horizon features orange juice, passion fruit, and pineapple juice garnished with a pineapple wedge on a pirate sword skewer.

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If you’re going to get any drink at the party, make it this one. By no means is it a great drink, but it’s one of the few drinks based off of actual fruit juices and not just syrups, plus it tastes like POG juice (sans the guava juice, but close enough.) You also don’t get much of it, but it’s a refreshing little shot of juice.

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Drink this and please the Tiki gods!