Media Recycling Old Ken Potrock Quote About Disneyland Resort Considering Morning and Afternoon Annual Passes in New Membership Program

Tom Corless


Media Recycling Old Ken Potrock Quote About Disneyland Resort Considering Morning and Afternoon Annual Passes in New Membership Program

Tom Corless


Media Recycling Old Ken Potrock Quote About Disneyland Resort Considering Morning and Afternoon Annual Passes in New Membership Program

In some information that is resurfacing (I guess news is slow), people seem to have taken interest in what Disneyland President Ken Potrock said about considering “day-parting” the new Annual Pass/Membership offerings to the OC Register:

There’s nothing off the table as we begin to think about things that are important for people. Whether it’s the number of times that they visit on a product offering. Whether it’s when. Is it midweek or weekend? Is it morning or afternoon? Is it day-part oriented? It’s all of those kinds of things that we’re incredibly curious to hear back from the guests about.

The above quote may look familiar to frequent readers of, because it was published on January 22nd, 2021 and is not from a new interview.

If you are interested in seeing what the new membership levels for Disneyland annual passes might look like down the road, be sure to check out the surveys Disneyland Resort sent to guests with some possible options.

For the actual latest on the development of these new memberships, keep it locked here on WDWNT and Disneyland News Today.