Episode 135 Green Thumb

Ep. 135 Green Thumb This week the theme is “un-released.” We talk about the leaked photos of Villains 4, the un-released figures pulled out of Reflections of Evil trading boxes and artwork of un-produced figures that made it to the internet. Also, Matt from Vinylmation Kingdom stops by to give his take on the RoE previews. … Read more

Disney Tunes Photoshoot

Disney’s animation wouldn’t be the same without the tunes that stay with us long after the credits roll. So it’s no surprise the Disney Tunes had an itch to find some musical inspirations around Walt Disney World and rock out. 80’s Dale hit the drums at Animal Kingdom. He was excited to play along with … Read more

Disney Tunes Dale & Donald Online Now

The remaining two Disney Tunes figures are scheduled to hit D-Streets on June 1, but if you can not wait, or get to the store, they are available right now at DisneyStore.com. (Thanks 3dstitch)

Episode 074 Green Monorail

Ep. 074 Green Monorail This week we have a few new release dates and product shots revealed including Villains 3 and So Tasty. We also offer a full review of the recently released Phineas and Ferb set. Listen in Popup Player Download podcast