American Adventure Gallery in EPCOT Closed for New ‘Portraits of Courage’ Paintings by George W. Bush

A closed doorway labeled "The American Heritage Gallery" with white double doors and a sign indicating it is temporarily unavailable.

The American Heritage Gallery in the American Adventure Pavilion of EPCOT is now closed to make way for the “Portraits of Courage” exhibit by President George W. Bush. American Heritage Gallery The gallery doors are closed and a sign reads “Exhibit Unavailable.” Panels cover the old display cases to either side of the doors. Since … Read more

Exhibit of Veteran Paintings by President George W. Bush Coming to EPCOT

George W. Bush painting a portrait of several service members

Paintings of veterans by President George W. Bush will be displayed in The American Adventure at EPCOT starting next month. “Portraits of Courage” Exhibit “Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief’s Tribute to America’s Warriors” presented by the George W. Bush Institute will open in The American Adventure Pavilion at EPCOT on June 9. It … Read more