PHOTOS: NEW “Up” Grape Soda Shirt Arrives at Walt Disney World


Pixar fans will want this new Up-themed t-shirt featuring the film’s classic grape soda design and a fun Pixar easter egg. The shirt has a six-pack of grape sodas with the phrase “This soda’s grape!” The whole shirt looks like a vintage advertisement. According to the soda container, this is “Docter Pete’s” soda, and Docter … Read more

PHOTOS: New Figment, Orange Bird, Trash Can, and Character Collared Button-Down Shirts Arrive at the Magic Kingdom

Disney Button-Down shirts have become incredibly popular as of late, with a multitude of different designs for characters and attractions available. This morning while browsing through the Emporium in the Magic Kingdom, we found an entirely new collection of button-down shirts available! Featuring our favorite icon of imagination, Figment, along with the Orange Bird, Hei … Read more