Hogsmeade Stage Reopens After Refurbishment at Universal’s Islands of Adventure

The stage in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade has reopened after a brief refurbishment in Islands of Adventure. The stage is in the courtyard between Hogwarts and the street of Hogsmeade. It has a tall stone and banners for each Hogwarts house sitting at the back of it. A chainlink fence keeps … Read more

Hogsmeade Stage Closes for Annual Refurbishment at Universal Orlando Resort

Walls have gone up around the Hogsmeade Stage for its annual refurbishment. But worry not, Muggles! The Frog Choir and students from the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang schools will be available for a unique photo opportunity instead! Hogsmeade Stage’s signature rock juts out just above the walls. A new chain fence prevents guests from jumping the … Read more