New Peter Pan Popcorn Bucket at Fantasy Springs in Tokyo DisneySea

A hand holds a decorative blue box with Peter Pan's scenes. A Tinker Bell figurine is perched on top. In the background, a pirate ship and rocky terrain can be seen.

A new Peter Pan popcorn bucket is now available at Tokyo DisneySea, ahead of the grand opening of Fantasy Springs. Peter Pan Popcorn Bucket – ¥3200 (Approximately $20.36 USD) The popcorn bucket, which is created in the likeness of the top portion of London’s clock tower that houses Big Ben, has a different image on … Read more

REVIEW: “It’s Like a Willy Wonka Creation” – NEW Roast Beef Popcorn from Fantasy Springs

A hand holding a red popcorn container with text "Where dreams come true," in front of a wooden shack and a person in the background. A line of people is visible on the left.

Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea soft opened this week. First on our list of new food to try was the Roast Beef Popcorn from the Popcorn Wagon. Popcorn Wagon The Popcorn Wagon is located in Peter Pan’s Never Land. It resembles a pirate ship built out of found materials and decorated with doodles by the … Read more

First Look at Fantasy Springs Popcorn Wagon in Tokyo DisneySea

Pirate ship-inspired popcorn wagon in Fantasy Springs

When it opens this summer, Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea will offer the “Peter Pan” Big Ben popcorn bucket and roast beef popcorn at the Popcorn Wagon. Fantasy Springs Popcorn Wagon The popcorn wagon is in the Peter Pan’s Never Land area of Fantasy Springs. It resembles a pirate ship made of mismatched planks of … Read more