Disney to Cover Travel Costs for Employee Abortions, Enchantment Fireworks to be Presented Twice Nightly Select Nights in July, and More: Daily Recap (6/24/22)

We bring you a lot of stories every single day. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up. So in case you missed anything from our feed, we have rounded up all our stories in one place to get the news at a glance. Here is your Daily Recap for Friday, June 24, 2022. Walt Disney World Magic … Read more

Walt Disney Company Will Cover Travel Expenses for Employees Seeking Abortions

Cinderella Castle with 50th anniversary decorations

The United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade this morning, making it possible for states to ban abortions outright. The Walt Disney Company then informed all employees that they will pay for travel expenses related to abortion services. Disney said in the communication that they are committed to removing barriers and providing comprehensive, quality, … Read more