Disney & Fox Deal To Be Finalized On New Year’s Day 2019

According to 21st Century Fox president Peter Rice, Disney’s acquisition of his company will be ready to close the first of January 2019. Rice spoke to staffers in a town-hall meeting on the Fox lot in Los Angeles, taking questions about the transition when he mentioned the date. In the meeting, Rice also mentioned that … Read more

BREAKING: Fox Has Accepted an Improved Bid from Disney, Dealing a Blow to Comcast

Disney & Fox Are Meeting "Again" To Discuss The Possible Acquisition Of Fox By Disney

21st Century Fox has agreed to an improved offer from The Walt Disney Co. worth $38 a share, up from $28 a share which was agreed upon in December. This valuation is a $3 premium over Comcast’s $35 a share all-cash offer that they made just last week. The new offer from Disney is valued at … Read more

Fox To Decide on Disney Deal July 10, Could Still be Swayed By Comcast Bid

Disney & Fox Are Meeting "Again" To Discuss The Possible Acquisition Of Fox By Disney

Twenty-First Century Fox could be making its final decision on the offer made by The Walt Disney Company on July 10th. In December, Disney offered stock worth $52.4 billion to buy Fox’s television, film, and international assets. Previously, Comcast had made an offer in November to also purchase Fox with stock, and the equivalent was … Read more